About US

Service 4cus is a Ugandan owned Customer Care business. We are passionate about Customer care and bringing excellence to the service industry in Uganda.

Customer care is an area that might be easily lover looked as majority of businesses spend more of their financial capital on investment that looks to attract new customers. We believe that except just meeting a customer’s needs through making a sale their experience is worth everything. Investing in the customer’s experience cultivates a relationship with the client, makes them feel valued, builds customer loyalty, generates positive word of mouth for your business and overall enhances business growth. Clients truly are the heart and soul of every business and excellent service drives business profits.

Sam Walton says; “there is only one boss, the customer. He can fire everybody in the company from the chairman on down, simply by spending his money somewhere else.”

Research shows that 81% of people are likely to work AGAIN with a business where they experienced excellent service. Also businesses that prioritize their customer’s experience make 61% more profits than their competitors.

An outstanding Customer experience will not only keep customers coming back but, they will also spread the word about their experience and the best way to make sure your customers are completely satisfied is to give your employees the resources and authority to deliver on the promise of excellent service.